영어 구동사 표현 정리(2): take - 원어민 회화 필수 표현
- 영어 정복/영어 스피킹
- 2024. 11. 9.
우리가 영어 회화를 잘하기 위해서 필요한 것은 단순히 단어를 많이 아는 것일까요?
실질적으로 원어민들이 자주 쓰는 표현은 현란한 vocabulary들이 아니라 get, take 등 매우 기본적이고도 익숙한 단어를 활용한 구동사(Phrasal verb)들이라고 생각합니다.
이러한 표현을 자유자재로 쓸 수 있는 것이 진정한 스피킹 실력이 아닐까 해요.
그런데 너무나 다양한 의미가 있다보니, 이뜻인지 저뜻인지 헷갈리는 경우가 있더라구요.
그래서 지금까지 스픽에서 배운 표현들을 한 번 정리하고 복습하는 차원에서 동사별 구동사 표현과 뜻, 예문을 포스팅해보도록 하겠습니다.
1. take up
(1) 어떤 취미활동을 제대로 하기 시작하다
I decided to take up cooking.
My friends and I took up yoga together.
(2) 공간 또는 시간을 차지하다
This table takes up so much space.
Doing homework takes up too much time.
(3) 어떤 제안이나 도전을 받아들이다 [ take up + ~ ]
I took up the company's offer.
I took up the challenge of running a marathon.
(4) 누군가에게 무언가를 불평하다, 항의하다 [ take something up with someone]
I'm not happy with the service, so I'm going to take it up with the manager.
2. take apart
(1) 기계 / 물건 분리하다, 분해시키다 [ take something apart ]
The technician took the TV apart.
My friend took my phone apart but could not put it together.
*↔ put something together : 다시 붙이다, 조립하다
(2) 상대방이나 게임을 쉽게 이기다 [ take someone/something apart ]
I'm going to take you apart.
The Yankees took the Red Socks apart.
Jack took his brother apart in chess.
* take someone apart 'in something' (어떤 분야, 어떤 게임에서)
3. take to
(1) (무언가를 처음 할 때, 누군가를 만났을 때) 좋아하기 시작하다 [ take to something/someone ]
The children took to their new teacher
The students took to their drama class.
(2) 어떤 습관을 새로 시작하다 [ take to something/동명사 ]
Sally took to going to bed late.
Tony took to playing basketball
4. take out
(1) 쓰레기를 갖다 버리다 [ take out the trash ]
I always take out the trash.
(2) 포장해서 집에 가져가 먹다 [ takeout order ]
I don't feel like cooking tonight. Let's get takeout.
(3) 돈을 인출하다, 어딘가에서 무엇을 빼내다
Take money out of savings account.
(4) 무엇에서 무엇을 빼다/ 지우다
I think your essay will be better if you took out this sentence from the third paragraph.
We should take this part out of the scene.
(5) 밖으로 데리고 나와서 어떤 대접을 하다
Let me take you out to dinner.
Andy took Paul out for drinks.
(6) 누군가를 없애다, 처치하다 [ take ____ out / take out ____ ]
The superhero took out the villains.
5. take off
(1) 옷을 벗다 [ take ____ off / take off ____ ]
I want to take my hat off.
(2) 일을 안 가다/ 쉬다 [ take ____ off ]
Jack took a day off from work.
(3) ~이 성공하다 (높이 떠서 잘되다)
I hope my website takes off.
* 목적어가 없는 구동사
(4) 떠나다
Tom took off without saying goodbye.
I thinkt I am going to take off now.
6. take in
(1) 무언가를 듣고 이해하다, 듣고 받아들이다 [ take ___ in / take in ___ ]
I couldn't take in what the teacher said.
It took me many months to take in the fact that my best friend died.
(2) 너무 멋있어서 느끼는 감정을 바로 다 감당하지 못하고 시간을 들여 천천히 즐기다
The Grand Canyon was so beautiful. It took me minutes to take it all in.
(3) 누군가를 내 집에서 지내게 하다 [ take in somebody / take somebody in]
We took in our friends when their house burned down.
Kevin had nowhere to go, so Jesse took him in to his company.
(4) 한 나라가 난민들을 받아들였다 [ take in somebody ]
Germany took in many Syrian refugees.
(5) 홀리다, 속이다 [ to be taken in by = ~에 속임을 당하다 ]
I was taken in by what he said.
Her sweet words have taken me in.
We were all taken in by the con man.
* con man / con artist : 사기꾼
7. take down
(1) 무엇을 쓰다,받아적다 [ take ___ down / take down ___ ]
It's important to work hard and make something of your life.
* make something of oneself = 스스로 주체적으로 성공을 이끌어내다
(2) 해체하다, 걷어버리다, 무너뜨리다
My father took down the shed.
He took the shed down.
(3) 누구를 자빠뜨리다 / 라이벌을 쓰러트리다
Samsung wants to take down Apple in court.
8. take over
(1) 어떤 일을 인계받다/ 대신하다 [ take over from / for ]
I took over the shift from Dave.
I'll take oveer the shift for you.
(2) 어떤 회사를 인수하다,
Facebook took over Instagram.
(3) 어떤 것이 다른것을 장악하다/지배하다 [ take over ____ ]
The students took over the classroom.
The army took over the country
* take over = take control over의 줄임말
9. take on
(1) 직원을 고용/채용하다 [ take on ___ ]
The company took on new workers.
(2) 어떤 일을 맡다, 책임을 지기로 하다 [ take on ___ ]
I've taken on new work.
(3) 받아 들이다
I can't take on any more homework.
(4) 어떤 특징이나 특성을 나타내다
Suddenly, Lisa's voice took on a more serious tone.
Deserted houses take on a scary look.
There was only a minute left to complete the exam, and Dave's writing took on a desperate intensity.
Our app will take on a new look.
* 원래 없었던 특징이 나타나기 시작했을 때, 어떤 특성이 달라지기 시작할 때
(5) 누구와 겨루다, 누구와 어떤 시합을 한다 [ take on ___ / take ___ on ]
Tim took on his brother in a game of chess.
10. take after
(1) 행동이나 외모가 누군가를 닮다 [ take after ___ ]
As I grew older, I started to take after my father more and more.
She was a brave woman. You take after her.
11. take through
(1) 누군가가 제대로 이해할 수 있도록 설명하다 [ take somebody through something ]
Jane took us through the weekend plans.
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